Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Time Event  
07:40 - 08:00 Shuttle Departure from Saint-Pierre to Le Tampon - The Bus will pick up the participants at the CASINO of Saint-Pierre (seafront, Boulevard Hubert Delisle)  
08:45 - 09:15 Registration - Registration  
09:15 - 09:35 Welcome by the Organizers (Amphi 500) - A. Bastide, S. Tarantola, T. Mara and B. Iooss  
09:35 - 09:45 Welcome (Amphi 500) - Andrea Saltelli introducing Ilya M. Sobol'
09:45 - 10:45 Lessons from Sobol' (Amphi 500) - Sergei Kucherenko presented I.M. Sobol' Lessons (Video)
10:45 - 11:15 Coffee break (Esplanade)  
11:15 - 12:30 Variance-based sensitivity analysis (Amphi 500) - Andrea Saltelli  
11:15 - 11:40 › Sobol' sensitivity analysis for stochastic numerical codes - Bertrand Iooss, EDF Lab Chatou  
11:40 - 12:05 › Sensitivity analysis under different distributions using the same simulation - Ricardo Bolado-Lavin, Joint Research Centre - Institute for Energy and Transport - Stefano Tarantola, Joint Research Centre - Institute for Energy and Transport  
12:05 - 12:30 › Global sensitivity analysis by HDMR combining with improved GMDH algorithm - Lu Wang, School of Aeronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University  
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch (Esplanade)  
14:00 - 15:00 Present Challenges in Sensitivity Analysis (Amphi 500) - Andrea Saltelli (Univ. Autonom. Barcelona, Spain and Univ. Bergen Norway)
15:00 - 15:50 Applications in Building and Energy systems (Amphi 500) - Alain Bastide  
15:00 - 15:25 › Identification of influential parameters in building energy simulation and life cycle assessment - Patrick Schalbart, Centre Efficacité Énergétique des Systèmes  
15:25 - 15:50 › Sensivity analysis and calibration of a numerical code for the prediction of power from a photovoltaic plant - Mathieu Carmassi, AgroParisTech, EDF R&D, EDF R&D  
15:50 - 16:50 Coffee break + Poster Session (Esplanade)  
16:10 - 16:50 Applications in Building and Energy systems (Esplanade)  
16:10 - 16:50 › Dynamic coupling between µCHP systems and buildings: sensibility analysis of the time resolution of the electrical demand data and of µCHP modeling typology - Jean-Baptiste BOUVENOT, ICube laboratory, University of Strasbourg, France  
16:10 - 16:50 › EnergyPlus Laboratory for Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis in Building Energy Modeling : The EPLab Software - Jeanne Goffart, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná  
16:10 - 16:50 › Implementation of Sensitivity analysis in sustainable building design - Matthias Haase, SINTEF Buildings and Infrastructure  
16:10 - 16:50 › Model Interpretation via Multivariate Padé-Approximant in Low-Rank Format - Rastko Zivanovic, The University of Adelaide  
16:10 - 16:50 › Real-time building design space exploration using two-sample Kolmogorov Smirnov tests to rank inputs according to multiple outputs - Torben Østergård, Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University, MOE Consulting Engineers  
16:10 - 16:50 › Sensitivity Analysis for Energy Performance Contracting in new buildings - Lisa Rivalin, Centre Efficacité Énergétique des Systèmes - Dominique Marchio, Centre Efficacité Énergétique des Systèmes - Pascal Stabat, Centre Efficacité Énergétique des Systèmes - Marcello Caciolo, Service Engagement Energétique - Frédéric Hopquin, Service Engagement Energétique  
16:10 - 16:50 › Using the sensitivity analysis to optimize passive cooling solutions in the urban tropical environment - Aurélie Foucquier, CEA  
16:50 - 17:40 Calibration and Bayesian approaches (Amphi 500) - Thierry Mara  
16:50 - 17:15 › Adaptive numerical designs for the calibration of computer codes - Guillaume Damblin, Centre CEA de Saclay DEN/DANS/DM2S/STMF/LGLS  
17:15 - 17:40 › Predicted Sensitivity for establishing well-posedness conditions in stochastic inversion problems - Nicolas Bousquet, EDF Lab Chatou & Institut de Mathematique de Toulouse  
18:00 - 18:30 Shuttle Departure from Le Tampon to Saint-Pierre - Back to your accommodation  

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Time Event  
07:50 - 08:10 Shuttle Departure from St-Pierre to Le Tampon - Bus will wait at the CASINO of Saint-Pierre (Bld Hubert Delisle)  
08:45 - 09:45 Polynomial Chaos Expansions in Engineering (Amphi 500) - Bruno Sudret (ETH Zurich)
09:45 - 10:35 Variance-based sensitivity analysis (Amphi 500) - Bertrand Iooss  
09:45 - 10:10 › Bayesian Sparse Polynomial Chaos Expansion - Qian Shao, Physique et d'Ingénierie Mathématique pour l'Énergie, l'Environnement et le Bâtiment  
10:10 - 10:35 › PC Expansion for Global Sensitivity Analysis of non-smooth funtionals of uncertain Stochastic Differential Equation solutions - Maria Navarro Jimenez, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology  
10:35 - 11:05 Coffee break (Esplanade)  
11:05 - 12:20 New sensitivity measures (Amphi 500) - Luc Pronzato  
11:05 - 11:30 › Perturbed-Law based sensitivity Indices for sensitivity analysis in structural reliability - Roman Sueur, EDF Lab Chatou  
11:30 - 11:55 › Global sensitivity analysis with distance correlation and energy statistics - Elmar Plischke, Institut für Endlagerforschung, TU Clausthal  
11:55 - 12:20 › Quantile-oriented sensitivity indices - Thomas BROWNE, Mathématiques appliquées Paris 5  
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch (Esplanade)  
14:00 - 15:00 Composite Indicators and Sensitivity Analysis (Amphi 500) - William Becker (Joint Research Center, Ispra, Italy)
15:00 - 15:50 New sensitivity measures (Amphi 500) - Stefano Tarantola  
15:00 - 15:25 › Sobol' indices for problems defined in non-rectangular domains - Sergei Kucherenko, Imperial College London  
15:25 - 15:50 › A new method of network clustering based on second-order sensitivity index - Qiongli Wu, Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences  
15:50 - 16:50 Coffee break (Esplanade)  
16:10 - 16:50 Other Applications (Esplanade)  
16:10 - 16:50 › A guideline for sensitivity analysis of repository models - Sabine M. Spiessl, Gesellschaft fuer Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit gGmbH  
16:10 - 16:50 › Development of a High Performance Capabilities for Supporting Spatially-Explicit Uncertainty- and Sensitivity Analysis in Multi-Criteria Decision Making - Christoph Erlacher, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences  
16:10 - 16:50 › Investigation of Modern Methods of Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis of Final Repository Performance Assessment Models - Dirk-Alexander Becker, Gesellschaft fuer Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH  
16:10 - 16:50 › RepoSTAR –New Framework for Statistic Runs for Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis of a Radioactive Waste Repository Model - Tatiana Reiche, Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH  
16:10 - 16:50 › Sensitivity analysis and metamodeling methods for designing buffer strips to protect water from pesticide transfers. - Claire Lauvernet, Milieux aquatiques, écologie et pollutions  
16:10 - 16:50 › Statistical emulation as a tool for analysing complex multiscale stochastic biological model outputs - Oluwole Oyebamiji, Newcastle University (UNITED KINGDOM)  
16:10 - 16:50 › The use of computed assisted semen analysis (CASA) as a method for environmental and toxicological risk assessment – The use of different chambers as sensitivity factor - Peter MASSANYI, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra  
16:10 - 16:50 › Using gaussian process metamodels for sensitivity analysis of an individual-based model of a pig fattening unit - Alice Cadéro, Institut du Porc, Physiologie, Environnement et Génétique pour l'Animal et les Systèmes d'Elevage [Rennes]  
16:50 - 17:40 Other Applications (Amphi 500) - William Becker  
16:50 - 17:15 › Getting better insights in the influence of uncertainties in seismic risk. Application to L'Aquila earthquake (2009). - Abed BENAICHOUCHE, A. BENAICHOUCHE, J. ROHMER, D.M. MONFORT, C. BELLIER  
17:15 - 17:40 › Fixed and sequential designs for optimisation of fan shapes - Jean-Marc azais, Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse  
18:00 - 18:30 Shuttle Departure from Le Tampon to Saint-Pierre - Le Tampon - Saint-Pierre  

Friday, December 2, 2016

Time Event  
07:50 - 08:10 Departure from Saint-Pierre to Le Tampon - Bus will wait at the CASINO of Saint-Pierre (Bld Hubert Delisle)  
08:45 - 09:45 Data-Based Mechanistic Modelling and its Application to the Global Climate System (Amphi 500) - Peter Young (Lancaster University, UK)
09:45 - 10:35 Application in Environmental Sciences (water resources) (Amphi 500) - Philippe Ackerer  
09:45 - 10:10 › Simultaneous estimation of groundwater recharge and hydrodynamic parameters for groundwater flow modelling - Fadji HASSANE MAINA (LHyGeS, University of Strasbourg)  
10:10 - 10:35 › Sensitivity analysis as essential tool to gain insight into potential hydrological change due to coal development in Australia. - Luk Peeters, CSIRO Land and Water  
10:35 - 11:20 Coffee break (Esplanade)  
10:50 - 11:20 Other Applications (Esplanade)  
10:50 - 11:20 › A Copula-based Approach to Sensitivity to Correlations in Structural Reliability Problems - Nazih Benoumechiara, Laboratoire de Statistique Théorique et Appliquée, EDF Lab Chatou  
10:50 - 11:20 › Global Sensitivity analysis in dynamic MFA - Nada Dzubur, Technical University of Vienna  
10:50 - 11:20 › Link between the sensitivity indices at different scales - Claude Bruchou, INRA Biosp  
10:50 - 11:20 › PCE-based Sobol' indices for probability-boxes - Bruno Sudret, ETH Zurich  
10:50 - 11:20 › Sensitivity analysis and the calibration problem of a biodynamic model for Indian Ocean tuna growth - Nicolas Bousquet, Institut de Mathématique de Toulouse  
10:50 - 11:20 › Sensitivity and uncertainty analyses in climate research: Tool development and application for an atmosphere model - Michael Flechsig, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research  
10:50 - 11:20 › Sobol' indices and variance reduction diagram estimation from samples used for uncertainty propagation - Abed BENAICHOUCHE, A. BENAICHOUCHE, J. ROHMER  
10:50 - 11:20 › The role of Rosenblatt transformation in global sensitivity analysis of models with dependent inputs - Thierry Mara, Physique et d'Ingénierie Mathématique pour l'Énergie, l'Environnement et le Bâtiment  
10:50 - 11:20 › VARIANCE-BASED SENSITIVITY INDICES FOR INPUTS DEFINED OVER NON-RECTANGULAR DOMAINS. - Stefano Tarantola, Joint Research Centre - Institute for Energy and Transport  
11:20 - 12:10 Application in Environmental Sciences (water resources) (Amphi 500) - Bruno Sudret  
11:20 - 11:45 › A minimum variance unbiased (generalized) estimator of total sensitivity indices: an illustration to a flood risk model - Matieyendou LAMBONI, University of Guyane and 228-UMR Espace-Dev  
11:45 - 12:10 › Combining switching factors and filtering operators in GSA to analyze models with climatic inputs - Sebastien ROUX, INRA, UMR SYSTEM  
13:35 - 14:00 Lunch (Esplanade)  
14:00 - 15:00 Minimax-Distance criterioin for space-filling design (Amphi 500) - Luc Pronzato (Univeersity of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France)
15:00 - 15:50 Calibration and Bayesian approaches (Amphi 500) - Sergei Kucherenko  
15:00 - 15:25 › A new Bayesian appraoch for statistical calibration of computer models - Thierry Mara (University of La Reunion)  
15:25 - 16:50 Variance-based sensitivity analysis (Amphi 500) - Sergei Kucherenko  
15:25 - 15:50 › Comparison of Latin Hypercube and Quasi Monte Carlo Sampling Techniques - Andrea saltelli, Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities (SVT) - University of Bergen (UIB), and of the Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA) -Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB)  
15:50 - 16:30 Coffee break (Esplanade)  
16:30 - 16:45 Closing ceremony (Amphi 500) - Organizers  
17:00 - 17:30 Shuttle Departure from Le Tampon to Saint-Pierre - Return to Saint-Pierre  
18:45 - 19:15 Shuttle Departure from Saint-Pierre to Le Tampon (Saint-Helene) - Gala Diner at the Saint-Helene Garden  
19:15 - 23:00 Closing Gala  
23:00 - 23:30 Shuttle from Le Tampon (Saint-Helene) to Saint-Pierre - Bact to your accomodation  

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Time Event  
07:30 - 09:30 Saint-Pierre - Volcano - Toutristic Tour to the Volcano Piton de La Fournaise  
09:30 - 11:30 Visit of the Site of the Volcano - Possibility to have a short hike (trekking shoes advisable)  
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch  
16:00 - 17:00 Bact to Saint-Pierre - Return back